Improving safety in the nuclear sector: ISO 19,443 standard.
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The facilitating challenge of ISO 19443 to improve safety in the nuclear industry

The facilitating challenge of ISO 19.443 to improve safety in the nuclear industry

The facilitating challenge of ISO 19443 to improve safety in the nuclear industry

The nuclear sector has taken an important step forward with the publication of ISO 19443, which aims to improve the safety and quality of the industry. Improving safety is the key objective of most industries, as well as increasing the quality of products and services.

ISO 19,443 applies the principles of one of the world’s most recognized quality standards, ISO 9,001, to the nuclear sector, combining best practices in quality with the specific requirements of the nuclear industry, as it is aligned with international regulatory and industry requirements to better manage nuclear-related risks.

ISO 19443, Quality management systems: specific requirements for the application of ISO 9001: 2015 by organizations in the nuclear power industry supply chain supplying products and services important to nuclear safety (ITNS), helps and facilitates increasing safety culture in the industry and harmonizing supplier assessments.

NUCLEONOVA has participated in the working group of Technical Committee ISO/TC 73 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies and radiation protection, believing that ISO 19.443 will not only improve suppliers’ understanding of quality requirements, but will harmonize all major players in the nuclear industry to work in the same direction.

ISO 19.443 has been developed by 24 international experts, working closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), thus validating its application internationally. It is necessary to mention that the European industry, with its technologists, has taken it as a reference to support its activities.

If you are interested in learning more about ISO 19.443, NUCLEONOVA can help you with our experts, both for training and implementation of the standard.